1. 个人简历
2. 科研工作
3. 教学工作
4. 代表论著
(1)Chen, J., Xu, Y., Gai, H., Xiao, Q., Wen, J., Zhou, Q., Li, T., 2021. Understanding water accessibility and pore information of overmature marine shales using water vapor sorption. Marine and Petroleum Geology 130, 105120.
(2)Chen, J., Gai, H., Xiao, Q., 2021. Effects of composition and temperature on water sorption in overmature Wufeng-Longmaxi shales. International Journal of Coal Geology 234, 103673.
(3)Chen, J., Xiao, X., 2014. Evolution of nanoporosity in organic-rich shales during thermal maturation. Fuel 129, 173-181.(高被引)
(4)Li, T., Tian, H., Chen, J., Cheng, L., 2016. Application of low pressure gas adsorption to the characterization of pore size distribution of shales: An example from Southeastern Chongqing area, China. Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience 1, 221-230.
(5)Pan, L., Xiao, X., Tian, H., Zhou, Q., Chen, J., Li, T., Wei, Q., 2015. A preliminary study on the characterization and controlling factors of porosity and pore structure of the Permian shales in Lower Yangtze region, Eastern China. International Journal of Coal Geology 146, 68-78.
(6)Xiao, X.M., Wei, Q., Gai, H.F., Li, T.F., Wang, M.L., Pan, L., Chen, J., Tian, H., 2015. Main controlling factors and enrichment area evaluation of shale gas of the Lower Paleozoic marine strata in south China. Petroleum Science 12, 573-586.
5. 科研项目
6. 获奖情况